Get a business


inside & out

Are you...?

😣 Stressed out, trying to do all the things yourself? You can’t afford to outsource to all of the different people you need in running a business, but you want help?

😣 Overwhelmed, even at the thought of trying to find the right people to do the things you need? So you do nothing and just hopes its gets easier?

😣 Craving organisation, structure and consistency but no idea where the hell to start, it feels too far gone to ever get on top of it?

😣 Aware that the service or product you offer is valuable but you are bogged down in all the processes, operations and systems (or lack there of) it takes to run a small business?

😣 Aware that there is something missing between the idea in your head about your brand and business and what it currently looks and feels like?

Samantha Grafik sitting on a bench

You don’t want to quit but you are tired and uninspired... 🙇🏻‍♀️

You need help stat, you are not even sure what kind of help you need, but you know you are beginning to resent your business and are slowly forgetting the very reason you began in the first place... sigh 


😍 Feeling like you’ve got all your s**t together on the back end of your business and it shows on the front end of your business. It's feeling fresh, clear and under control.

😍 Being so ready and energised to offer some really valuable services or products to your clients and customers, you are super excited to get out there and do your thing again, those business headaches are beginning to lessen.

😍 Waking up every morning and looking at your brand and feeling proud and excited about how it makes you feel. This is exactly what you had imagined when you first dreamt it up. You remember why you love this work so much!

😍 Knowing you’ve got someone on your team (finally) who not only has the skills you may not have, but who is an impartial, objective wing woman who can see pitfalls you may miss, offer solutions you didn’t know exist and ultimately can hold your hand when s**t gets real. It feels so nice not to do it all alone anymore.

That’s me BTW 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

Part Designer, part Manager, part keepin in real business bestie. Yep...