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What I offer...

I have years of experience in both corporate and leisure events management, I've led a team of up to 60 and ran fully catered events up to 500. 

What does this mean for you? I am good under pressure, have acute people and project management skills and have witnessed some logistical hiccups over my time. Helpful knowledge. 

I have also owned my own company in the health and wellness industry, with a physical gym too. 

What does this mean for you? I understand how many hats you wear as a business owner, how many things other than the actual service you provide you have to learn. I also know how lonely business can feel when you are the owner.

I am naturally a very detail focussed person. Hence, graphic designer. However through my experience in events I have learned how to see with a wide and high lens. Eyes all over the place!

I don't profess to know everything. But what I don't know I will research and find out. Love a challenge! Aries!

I’m thrifty AF (hubby's fave trait lol) I am all about utilising what you’ve already got and what is free. These days, as so many businesses have moved online there is a lot of competition for business platform providers. What this means is... you can actually score a bucket load of really decent free services compared to a few years ago!

Some areas I can support you in: 

Overseeing the execution of multiple projects being launched in multiple areas of your business. I am an avid timeline manager. 

Have a team you need help with? Managing people is actually one of my core skills, would love to help.

Important to distinguish here, I am no professional marketer. I have lots of experience both with succeeding and failing in marketing which may be of benefit, also some good ideas. But to the point I will assist you in implementing the strategies you have in your marketing plan. I will not give you a marketing plan.

Basically, all the nitty gritty of what makes up your business. We can put it all out on the table, see what lights you up, what doesn't, what needs outsourcing and what I can take on for you. 

This is what I LOVE! I am a systems girl, if there isn't a system for it I almost guarentee it is not running as efficently as it could be. Over our time togther I will be able to identify where we can improve on this. Create some SOPs and make business life damn easier.

Nobody likes it, but this is probably the stuff that is bogging you down. Remember the vibe we are going for... organised, clear, structured and JOYFUL. Let's cultivate this in every aspect.

Some platforms I have experience in: 

(There is actually too many to list, and I am always expanding here)

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